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 Hunter's Trace Our Community Pictures


 Submitt pictures of your yard!!

Some recent Christmas Decorated Houses

I walked my dogs aorund last night and took these pictures of some of our houses for Christmas 2021.


Hunters Trace Luminaries for Christmas Eve



Taken with my iPhone 12 Pro:

Watch tree tree top cutting video: 1/16/2021: Tree top Cutting Video:


Hope everyone had a "Merry Christmas"

Here are a few pictures of our Christmas Lights:

Taken with my iPhone 12 Pro with LADAR.


These Projectile Points were found here in Hunters Trace!!



The June 25, 2022 two powerful storms sure knocked down lots of tree limbs and a few trees in Hunters Trace.  It is advisible that we all inspect our trees for rotten areas and have them inspected and trimmed to prevent damage to your property or your neighbors property. One resident had $4,000 damage due to neighbors trees falling into his back yard.  



It was cold today - Sunday 1/30/2022 for a short time.



You can go to the Google Maps Web Site https://www.google.com/maps

Then type in your address and then click on the little man icon onhte bottom right and get a street view of your house and maybe see your self.  I was in my yard a few years ago and saw the Google Street View car go by and took a picutre of it and later saw myself taking a picture of the camera car while standing in my front yard.  Below are samples of my house and I sure wish it looked that good now.


Webmaster:  Robin Corsiglia    352-804-4690    [email protected]

















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